What are the 5 Elements?
I watch the world through the 5 Elements of Chinese Medicine. I first learned about 5 Element Theory in massage school while studying acupressure and shiatsu. The 5 Elements is a system of checks and balances and is based on the idea that everything in nature is also within us. It is the theory that we are not separate from nature because we are a part of nature. The Elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water have a unique balance within us to create our constitution. I integrate yin yoga with the 5 Element Theory at my Retreats to help you connect with yourself and nature, and have a fun way to get to know each other. Continue reading to learn about each Element and how it relates to you…(Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash.)
I watch the world through the 5 Elements of Chinese Medicine. I first learned about 5 Element Theory in massage school while studying acupressure and shiatsu. The 5 Elements is a system of checks and balances and is based on the idea that everything in nature is also within us. It is the theory that we are not separate from nature because we are a part of nature. The Elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water have a unique balance within us to create our constitution. I integrate yin yoga with the 5 Element Theory at my Retreats to help you connect with yourself and nature, and have a fun way to get to know each other. Continue reading to learn about each Element and how it relates to you…
Wood Element: The Wood relates to the Spring time of year. The Wood is represented by the plants, trees, and flowers. It is about expansive movement. The Spring time is about new beginnings. It is about action and taking the first steps towards growth. The Spring is also about hope. When you witness the new flowers beginning their blooms in the Spring—how have you felt? Have you ever noticed you have more energy in the Spring, in the northern hemisphere, when we have more daylight? Wood Element Journal Question: What do you want to create in your life? What is (at least) one action step you can take towards your vision? Remember-just as the plants are growing up and moving in the Spring, the Wood Element likes to move. Make a plan and take action to help your Wood Element.
Fire Element: The Fire relates to Summer. The Fire Element is what warms your heart. You need the right balance of the Fire Element to keep your passions burning. If there isn’t enough of the Fire Element in life, then you may not feel motivated or inspired. We all need Fire to make us excited for life. Fire is about joy, love, happiness, community, and energy. Fire Element is an upward movement. Have you ever had a good laugh and felt energized by it? That is the Fire Element. Summer time provides more sunlight, longer and hotter days, to gather, and have fun. Fire Element Journal Question: What do you enjoy doing? Make a list of things that are fun and exciting to you. If you are ever feeling low or down, go back to this list and do something that makes you happy, to keep your Fire burning.
Earth Element: The Earth relates to the late Summer time of year. The late Summer is when the plants and vegetables have been harvested. The Earth Element is about being centered, the movement towards center. Have you ever had a lazy summer day, when there isn’t much to do, and the evenings feel long? The Earth Element is about this sweetness of life. To enjoy the ripe fruits and vegetables. To take care of and nurture ourselves. Earth Element Journal Question: What does self-care mean to you? Could you take time to take care of yourself? The Earth Element is a reminder that Mother Nature is always taking care of us. How do you find that quality in yourself?
Metal Element: The Metal relates to the Autumn season. The time when nature is letting go. The Metal is about keeping the most precious part of ourselves. Just like a precious stone or diamond is the most valuable part of the earth, the Metal asks us to look for the best part of ourselves. The Metal Element is about contraction. This is the inward movement. Metal Element Journal Question: What can you let go of? What is holding you back? The Metal is a reminder that every letting go is also a holding on to something precious. What is the best part of yourself that you are holing onto?
Water Element: The Water is relates to the Winter time. Nature is now becoming colder, and animals are hibernating, for the most part, humans are inside more and outside less. The movement of the Water Element is downward. One way to think about the descending nature of the Water Element is the way water is located beneath the earth. Water flows down. The Water Element is about restoration, just as the way, you might naturally sleep more during the winter months. The Water Element is also about ideas, concepts, and the flow of the mind. Water Element Journal Question: Do you give yourself time to daydream? You can build up your Water Element by taking time out to do nothing, let your mind wander and relax.
Join me Sat June 4th 2022 for the Heart Beat Day Retreat in Nevada City, CA. This Retreat is based on the Fire Element and connecting your heart to your hands for a day of acupressure, yin yoga, and drumming!