What I wish I’d known before my first yoga class
After my first yoga class, I went to my car and cried. These weren’t tears of happiness or an emotional release. These were tears of embarrassment. I remember this day well, and I think of it when someone new comes to my classes. I never assume to know anyone’s story. I greet everyone with open mind and heart. There are a few things I wish I had known before I walked into my first studio. Whether you are returning to the practice after a break, or thinking about attending a yoga class for the first time, here are 5 of my helpful tips:
1.) It doesn’t matter what you look like. If it’s your first class, you might feel like you need to look like the other people in the room. Yoga is different from other forms of exercise, because the teacher may give an instruction and the result of that direction may look different from person to person. This is because yoga is a physical practice that moves from the inside out, instead of the out in. The teacher offers an alignment cue and that expression varies because each of us lives in our bodies differently.
2.) You can stop and observe the class. Now, I just said it doesn’t matter what you look like, but what if you honestly just don’t understand what the teacher is asking you to do? If you’re a visual learner, it may help to simply stop trying to move your body, and look at what the teacher is doing (if they’re demo-ing) or look at the class. I’m the type of person that is not good at doing two things at once. So I’ve found it helpful, when I feel confused about how the teacher is asking me to move, I can stop and watch, and then do the pose.
3.) Nobody is looking at you or judging you. If you’re in a group class, unless there is another new person looking around, no one is watching you. When someone does yoga, they bring their attention inward, so it is actually difficult to watch other people and do your own yoga practice.
4.) It’s ok to be confused. It may feel strange or confusing to move your body in a new way. In my first class, I remember thinking that everyone else seemed to know what to do, and I don’t like being the only one that looks confused. But being a little uncertain is part of the process of being a beginner. If you’re the only new person in a group of regular practitioners, everyone else in that room has had their first day too. They know what you’re going through. It is my guess, that everyone in that room is silently cheering you on, because they know how transformational yoga is!
5.) It takes time. If you’re new to yoga, commit yourself to the practice for a certain amount of time. This is an ancient healing modality that you can do your whole life, this isn’t a quick fix. When I first started yoga, I practiced 5 days a week for 3 months. (Yes, I was hooked right away, even after my horrible first class!) During those first 3 months, I found myself gaining confidence, my mood improved, and I started eating healthier. Commit yourself in a way that is sustainable for your schedule and see what happens!
There’s no need to be apprehensive about starting yoga, it’s a practice that is for everyone in all stages of life! Your first class may feel awkward, but that is because you’re trying something new. Go into your first class with a bunch of appreciation for yourself for being a “newbie”. If you commit yourself to the practice, you’ll find a whole new world and way of being!
Would you like to learn yoga at home? I have a free 5 Day Intro to Yoga course you can watch right now! Click here to register in my online studio and let’s do yoga together today!