Why did I start AcuYogini Retreats?
There came a point in my yoga teaching, when I felt I wasn't sharing enough of my personal practice. I was teaching yoga postures, and I was doing massage therapy, but the classes and sessions weren't a reflection of the way I actually practiced. My personal practice was fusion of everything I had learned: from my massage school teachers, various yoga lineages I had studied, and my own kind of style of learning how to let go of stress.
I decided I needed to start teaching workshops that would combine yoga and acupressure. Rather than focusing on the physical aspects, the workshops would focus on balancing challenging emotions that everyone faces. Those workshops had titles such as: Step into Your Power, Step into Your Creativity, and Step into Your Joy.
The workshops eventually transformed into a weekend event. The first retreat in 2019 was called: Living Your Destiny. I choose that title because I feel each of us has a plan and destiny to fulfill. It's easy to get caught up in day to day life rather than seeing the whole picture. I wanted to create a weekend for people to do yoga and acupressure and get in touch with their unique purpose.
I wasn't expecting it, but I got in touch with my own destiny at that first retreat! About half way through the weekend, I noticed the shift in the group. Participants faces looked different. They looked happier, lighter, and as if they had let something go.
People were coming up to me and telling me this retreat was amazing. At first, I thought people were just saying that to be nice to me, and I didn't believe them. After many people said this was "exactly what they needed" and asked me when "would the next retreat would take place", I knew I had to try to create another retreat.
I had a contract signed and a plan for a retreat in 2020, which had to be canceled. It was difficult for me to navigate what would happen next. I thought about abandoning the project. The facility where I was holding the retreats, Woolman at Sierra Friends, had a fire and part of the campus was in fire damage. With the rules around the pandemic frequently changing, I wasn't sure if people wanted to gather together for a weekend event.
In Spring 2021, I went to the Woolman campus that is located on Nisenan land, and I had a heart felt conversation with the sky, the meadows, and even the fire damaged area. The Woolman staff were supportive and encouraging me to create AcuYogini events again. Past participants of the 2019 Living Your Destiny Retreat were forwarding their deposits to a Retreat that I hadn't even planned yet!
So, since perseverance is one of my strong points, I decided I'm up for the challenge and created a mini Retreat for 2021 and then a day Retreat for 2022. Now this year, I'm pleased to tell you, I'm back to hosting the format of a 3 day/2 night weekend Retreat!
I titled the 2023 Retreat Telling Your Story because these past few years have been so difficult for us all. We have gone through so much. At the same time, each of us has gone through something so different. I believe it's compassionate sharing and listening that will create understanding in our world.
The Telling Your Story Retreat will be about welcoming yourself, sharing your wisdom, and becoming grounded. I'll be teaching classes in yin yoga, acupressure, and journaling. There will be guest teachers in drumming, yoga nidra, and sound healing. Retreat packages include all meals, classes, and accommodations! Early bird pricing is available until April 30th. >>Click here to sign up!<<